Jacob BIEN -- to -- Isaac BINGEMAN
Sarah BISCHOFFBERGER -- to -- Garwood G. BISHOP
Gladys F. BISHOP -- to -- Laura L. BISHOP
Leon M. BISHOP -- to -- Sophia D. BISHOP
Stella L. BISHOP -- to -- Peter BITSCHE
Caroline BITTENBENDER -- to -- Henry BLACK
Henry BLACK -- to -- Catherine BLANK
Christina BLANK -- to -- Anna BLATTER
Elsbeth BLATTI -- to -- Anna BLOSSER
Anna BLOSSER -- to -- Matilda BLOSSER
Nancy BLOSSER -- to -- Samuel BLOUGH
Samuel BLOUGH -- to -- Rebecca BOLIG
Barbara BOLLINGER -- to -- Anna BOMBERGER
Barbara BOMBERGER -- to -- Abraham C. BOORSE
Addison M. BOORSE -- to -- Elizabeth S. BOORSE
Emma H. BOORSE -- to -- John BOORSE
John C. BOORSE -- to -- Peter BOORSE
Peter BOORSE -- to -- Mary Anna BOOZ
Sallie M. BOOZ -- to -- Michael BOSSERT
UP (Adelheid - John M. GREIDER )
BACK (Elizabeth BERGEY - Ulrich BIELER )
NEXT (Regula BOSSHART - George Rowland BRUNK )